GO Freddo! Summer taste of espresso!

Fuel Saving Tips

The way you drive has a direct impact not only on you, your family and others, but also on the environment.

Roof rack

Roof rack; No. Putting your roof rack on only when you need it could save you up to 5% more fuel.


If your tyres are under inflated by just 1psi, fuel efficiency can be reduced by up to 3%. So check tyres once a week or whenever you fill up.

Fuel tank

Check fuel cap
Simply make sure your cap is properly screwed on after every fill up. This prevents fuel, and effectively your money, from evaporating.

Drive smoothly

Don’t drive aggressively – you’ll burn up to a third more fuel than driving smoothly. Try not to brake or accelerate too hard and keep your steering as even as possible.

 Avoid excess weight
For every extra 100 lbs (45kg) you carry in your car, your fuel efficiency can drop by 1-2%.

Plan your trips                                                                               

Combining trips – like popping to the shops and family taxi duty – is the easiest way to conserve fuel.

Minimise air-condition use

Avoid using air conditioning on hot or cold days. It puts added strain on your engine which increases fuel consumption by up to 8%. Try using your car’s internal ventilation system instead.

Check air filters
Car engines are tough but they still need protection from impurities to work efficiently. Replacing a clogged air filter can improve fuel economy by up to 10%.

Avoid rush hour

It’s probably the most frustrating time to drive but avoiding rush hour also means you’ll spend less time stuck in traffic, burning fuel.

Gear Box

Choose higher gear  
Driving slowly in a higher gear burns less fuel. It’s better to change up a gear whenever you can.

Use cruise control
Using cruise control on main roads helps you maintain a constant speed, making every drop count.

Avoid high speeds
The faster you go, the more wind resistance you encounter. This forces your car to consume more fuel just to maintain speed. As little as 5mph (12kmph) can affect fuel economy by up to 23%.

Maintain speed
When you hit a downward slope, maintain steady engine revs. You’ll still have good momentum if you’ve then got a hill to climb.


Avoid excess idling
Idling gets you nowhere, but still burns fuel. If you’re in a queue for around 10 seconds, turn your engine off until you need it.

 Engine Service
A dirty engine increases fuel consumption. Start by changing worn out spark plugs and reduce consumption by up to 5%.

Avoid over-revving
You should avoid high counter's revolutions. Shift gear on time while you start yor car or while you accelerate.

Use correct lubricant
Using your car manufacturers recommended motor oil can improve fuel economy by 1-2%. Using higher quality lubricant and Shell FuelSave also helps.


Keep windows closed
Driving with your window open slows you down. This usually makes you put your foot down harder, using more fuel. Instead, use your car’s internal ventilation system (not air conditioning).

Driver's Physical Condition

Keep hydrated
Drinking water and ensuring you’re well hydrated helps you concentrate better. When you’re focussed, you tend to drive more efficiently.